I lost the syllabus which outlined which milestones were due at the end of which weeks. Actually, I have lost three of my five syllabi, which is okay for the other two, since we go over the assignments at the end of each class, but not okay for Workshop, since we don't meet that often. I am suddenly worried about keeping my grades high enough for my scholarship this term, since it takes a 3.0 to keep it, and I don't know if that's cumulative or per term. So I'm assuming it's the worse prospect, per term, and worrying. This will make me search for the syllabus harder and then hyper-awesome to finish whatever assignment was due this week. And hopefully it's one that I already have half done so I don't have to turn it in far too late to be worth even turning in, but really, even if it's too late to earn a grade, it's worth getting the input.
Also, the issue I mentioned toward the very end of my last post, should I plan characters who can give me a "happy" ending, or should I let my dysthymia create characters who are going to lead to Elizabeth's death or institutionalization?
I assume you located a syllabus, or got the dates from your instructor. In the pantheon of writing problems, a lost syllabus is easily fixable. The real problems rear their heads if you get off track and start missing deadlines.